2013년 1월 22일 화요일

My goals

1st Goal: To go to library a lot of times
 achieved 70%
I think I went to library about 3 to 6 times a week
But I failed to go to library everyday.
I went to library because of history presentation, or read books

2nd goal; not get angry easily
 achieved 70%
 I think I stayed calm a lot of times.
I was not angry that much, and there was not much angry situations
But sometimes I was angry

3rd goal obey EOP
 achieved 50%
 I got 2 EOP violation.
It was a harsh rule. It was hard to speak only english
But I tried, so 50%

I had some more goals
First, over 5 Green card.
I got about 5 green card. It will be 4 to 5
I will try more during 2 days, tomorrow and today

Win 3 Mock Trial
I won 2 times. Even though I fail, it will be not sad

2013년 1월 20일 일요일

Diamonte poem

Emotional Rational
Breathing, Laughing, Thinking
Brain, Body, Iron, Motors
Developing Programing Controling
Passive, Developable

2013년 1월 19일 토요일


Mountain stands its huge body on the ground. Everything respects it. It holds everything, affectionately. It just keep its place, representing nature, and saves everything under it. Some people thought it was god. Some people thought it as mother. Everyone saves it. It was real. Mountain was representative of Mother nature.
But Mountain was once under invasion. It was exploded, polluted, and even disappeared. Mountain started to die, without any shouting. And nature started to die together.
But it was strong. It kept its own seat. it defeated enemy, and saved its Mother Nature.
Mountain is still standing its greatness.

2013년 1월 15일 화요일

Response essay to movie 'Brave

  Have you ever watched the movie 'Brave'? Or even seen a poster          or trailer of this movies? When I watched the movie, I learned some lessons, which can be valuable to all of us. I will introduce some of the lessons to you, family love and respect.
 Before talking about the lessons, let me explain about the lessons, let me give a overview of the movie. There was a princess named Merida. I think the kingdom was in ancient Northern Europe. She was about to marry, since her mother decided. But Merida didn't like it. So she gave her mother a witch's cake, to change her mother's mind. But it made mother as a bear. The king tried to kill mother, because she didn't know that it was her wife. But when Merida covered her mother with her mother's tapestry, which had the image of Merida's family, her mother became a woman.
 Love between family is an important lesson of this movie  The family loves each other by pure mind.  I could see that with their situation. When Merida made her mother as a bear, she felt sorry toward her. When she thought that she couldn't turn her mother back, she cried, hugging her mother. It shows the basic emotion of families. She helped her mother survive, helped her mother escape from the castle and made her mother to turn back into human. Even though she had responsibility about this situation, she still showed real love to her mother. Also, family love is very warm, touching and peaceful. It makes everyone comfortable, happy and kind. 
 I found another lesson: respect. The situation was caused by lack of respect. About Merida's marriage. No one respected each other. And the queen became bear. The queen did not think about Merida's opinion about marriage, even though it was her marriage. She just thoughtlessly pushed it, without any discussion. Also the queen made her to act gracefully. But Merida wanted freedom. Both two had no respect. If they respected each other a little bit more, they probably did not have to suffer from the probably didn't have to suffer from the problem. Even thought it reminded them to keep family in their heart, it shows that lack of respect can make serious problems. It can cause conflict and in real world it can even cause serious crimes or bullying and violence.
 I think these to are very important. Not only in this movie, but it is valuable point in life. It can make us happy and pleased. Family importance comesw to our mind when we are on the end of the cliff. And respect brings us together. 

2013년 1월 8일 화요일

Goal during the GLPS!


I am now on GLPS.
I will introduce some of my goals in this post.

I will go to library everyday.
In the KMLA, there is very good library.
I am expecting its good facilities and a lot of books in there.
I will use there a lot.

I sometimes get angry easily.
I don't like this. I want to change this.
I want to control my emotion well.
It can harm both me and others.

There is English Only Policy in this school.
I will obey that well.
It can improve my English skills very well.
Also it is rule, and if we do not obey them, we will be punished.

Ode of the writing class in GLPS

Dear yellow card
File:Yellow card.svg

 I am wonjun, I remember when I met you. It was last Monday, January 7th. You was given to me because I got out of the dormitory late. You made me to feel a lot of emotions. I was sad, shocking, and worried to meet you.
 You made me to be sad. Do you know about your powers? You can make me to have no prize. Even you can kick me out of here. Those make me to feel sad. Everyone feels sad and even ashamed.
 You made me to be shocked. I feel very surprised. I and my mind say ' Do I have a yellow card now?' I was so shocked and it was a big panic to me. I don't want the panic again.
 You made me to feel worried. the worrry was about getting so much yellow cards, which can be a big problem to me. Kicking out of here is very serious. Also you can mean that I have bad attitude in the camp.
I don't want these emotions. It is full of desperation.

2013년 1월 6일 일요일

I'm on the GLPS now.

Hello everyone.
I am now participating on Global Leadership Program for Students of the Korean Minjok Leadership Academy(KLMA,민족사관고등학교)

Today I am going to introduce you about me.
I was born in Anyang and I am still living in the Anyang.
The Anyang city is in Gyeonggi province, Korea Republic.
It is at the south of the Seoul city, the capital of Korea Republic.
But now I am not in Anyang. I am in the Hoengseong to participate in GLPS.

I have 3 hobbies.
First, it is riding bicycle.

In the bicycle road in Anyang, I ride bike. 
It is very cool and I can release the mental stress.
It is also good for health.
Riding bicycle is my favorite sports

Also, I like to play table tennis.

It is quite popular sports.
I take the table tennis lesson.
It is very exciting and full of liveliness.
But I am not good at table tennis.

Finally, I like to watch movie.

I don't watch movie that much.
but I like movie and go to movie theater with my friends.